Six-Word Lessons on Growing Up Autistic: 100 Lessons to Understand How Autistic People See Life![]() Press: [email protected]
See Trevor on See Trevor in Costco Connection See Trevor's HuffPost Live Interview See Trevor's Youtube video Hear Trevor's Radio Interview One percent of the population of children in the U.S. aged 3-17 have an autism spectrum disorder… One in 88 newborns will be born with an autism spectrum disorder… Only 56% of students with autism finish high school… One million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder… My name is Trevor Pacelli. I was diagnosed with Autism at age 5. I am the first in my extended family to have autism. Growing up autistic has been difficult not only for me but for my parents and my sister. We’ve all had to learn about autism and how to maintain a peaceful household. I deeply want other families with autistic children to learn from my experiences. This is why I wrote Six Word Lessons on Growing Up Autistic. In Six-Word Lessons on Growing Up Autistic, you will find 100 short, practical tips to help understand the autistic person in your life, told through insightful personal experiences by someone who has grown up autistic. Rather than pore through pages and pages of content, Six-Word Lessons on Growing Up Autistic gives them to you quickly and easily. Six Word Lessons on Growing Up Autistic is organized into ten easy-to-understand chapters: 1. Suspecting that your Child has Autism 2. A Different View of the World 3. Time Alone Versus Time with Others 4. Sudden Changes are a Big Challenge 5. Getting Out There to Make Friends 6. What is the Best Schooling Option? 7. Transitions in School as they Age 8. Major Life Events are Especially Challenging 9. Forgiving and Forgetting about the Past 10. Daily Dealing with your Autistic Child Each six-word lesson gives you a concise explanation of what to do (and not do) to help the autistic person in your life better cope. Years of wisdom in a book you can read in an hour! Want a great children's book on autism? Get The Kindergarten Adventures of Amazing Grace illustrated by Trevor Pacelli and written by Trevor's sister, Briana Pacelli. Buy the Book Amazon | Kindle | iTunes | Nook | Smashwords | Direct Published by Pacelli Publishing |