Congratulations to Alicia Amerson of San Diego, CA, author of our newest book, Six-Word Lessons for Drone Pilots and Outdoor Enthusiasts. Alicia is a marine biologist who has extensive experience and research in how to minimize drone impact to wildlife, both on land and sea. Her book has lists of best practices for drone pilots, whether flying for hobby or business, to keep animals, human and the environment from harm. Check out Alicia's company, Alimosphere, for more information on drones and wildlife. We are thrilled to add this category to our Six-Word Lessons series! Thank you to Nikki Rausch, author of Six-Word Lessons on Influencing with Grace for referring Alicia to us! Alicia introduced us to her colleague, Dr. Tulinda Larsen, of Maryland, who is a private pilot and adjunct professor at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. She is the founder and CEO of Skylark Drone Research. Her book, Six-Word Lessons for the Drone Hobbyist, gives numerous tips to hobbyist drone users, from video and photography to shopping for the best drone to understanding your drone's features. Tulinda is also working on a second drone book for those who fly drones as a business. Summer is a great time to get more experience with your drone, or consider starting this new hobby. WORKSHOP FOR SIX-WORD LESSONS AUTHORS JULY 18 One of our authors, Tracey Warren, who wrote Six-Word Lessons for Social Media, will be leading a workshop for all Six-Word Lessons authors at her co-working space, InSpark CoWorking, in Lynnwood, and available by video conference. She will help authors understand how to use the many social media channels and the tools they have been given, such as book trailers and mini-blogs, to promote and sell their book to the right audiences. If you are a published Six-Word Lessons author, you have already received information about it and we hope you can make it.
Wednesday, July 18 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. InSpark CoWorking 16824 44th Avenue W, Suite 130 Lynnwood WA 98037
We value our authors and want to help them promote, market and sell their books, so we provide them with marketing tools to help with this sometimes overwhelming task. Our Six-Word Lessons authors receive each of the tools below to help them get the word out about their book:
New Books and Topics We have more than 10 authors working on book proposals or manuscripts on various topics, such as Branding, Drone Use, Bipolar Disorder, Content Marketing, Wine Appreciation, Forgiveness and more. Let us know if you have ideas for new topics that you or someone you know could write. Enjoy your summer and let us know how we can help you in your book writing and publishing! Patty and Lonnie Pacelli |
BlogPosts about our latest books and hints and tips for authors and writers about self-publishing, writing and marketing your book. Categories
July 2024